Source code for bioservices.wikipathway

#  This file is part of bioservices software
#  Copyright (c) 2013-2014 - EBI-EMBL
#  File author(s):
#      Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  website:
#  documentation:
"""Interface to the WikiPathway service

.. topic:: What is WikiPathway ?

    :Citation: `doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006447 <>`_

    .. highlights::

        " WikiPathways is an open, public platform dedicated to the curation of
        biological pathways by and for the scientific community."

        -- From WikiPathway web site. Dec 2012

from import REST
import copy, webbrowser, base64

import pandas as pd

__all__ = ["WikiPathways"]

[docs]class WikiPathways: """Interface to `Pathway <>`_ service .. doctest:: >>> from bioservices import WikiPathways >>> s = Wikipathway() >>> s.organism # default organism 'Homo sapiens' Examples:: s.findPathwaysByText('MTOR') s.getPathway('WP1471') s.getPathwaysByOntologyTerm('DOID:344') s.findPathwaysByXref('P45985') The methods that require a login are not implemented (:meth:`login`, :meth:`updatePathway`, :meth:`removeCurationTag`, :meth:`saveCurationTag`, :meth:`createPathway`) Methods not implemented at all: * u'getCurationTagHistory': No API found in Wikipathway web page * u'getRelations': No API found in Wikipathway web page """ _url = "" def __init__(self, verbose=True, cache=False): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param bool verbose: """ = REST(name="WikiPathways", url=WikiPathways._url, verbose=verbose, cache=cache) self._organism = "Homo sapiens" # This function is redundant (see class service)"Fetching organisms...") #: Get a list of all available organisms. self.organisms = self.listOrganisms()
[docs] def listOrganisms(self): res ="listOrganisms?format=json") return res["organisms"]
def _set_organism(self, organism): if organism in self.organisms: self._organism = organism else: raise ValueError("'%s' is not supported in WikiPathways. See :attr:`organisms`" % organism) def _get_organism(self): return self._organism organism = property(_get_organism, _set_organism, doc="Read/write attribute for the organism")
[docs] def findPathwaysByLiterature(self, query): """Find pathways by their literature references. :param str query: The query, can be a pubmed id, author name or title keyword. :return: dictionary with Pathway as keys :: res = s.findPathwaysByLiterature(18651794) """ params = {"format": "json", "query": query} res ="findPathwaysByLiterature", params=params) return res["result"]
[docs] def findPathwaysByXref(self, ids, codes=None): """Find pathways by searching on the external references of DataNodes. :param str string ids: One or mode DataNode identifier(s) (e.g. 'P45985'). Datanodes can be (gene/protein/metabolite identifiers). For one node, you can use a string (or number) or list of one identifier. you can also provide a list of identifiers. :param str codes: You can restrict the search to a specific database. See for details. Examples are "L" for entrez gene, "En" for ensembl. See also the note here below for multiple identifiers/codes. :return: a dictionary :: >>> s.findPathwaysByXref(ids="P45985") >>> s.findPathwaysByXref(ids="P45985", codes="L") >>> s.findPathwaysByXref(ids=["P45985"], codes=["L"]) >>> s.findPathwaysByXref(ids=["P45985", "ENSG00000130164"], codes=["L", "En"]) Note that in the last example, we specify multiple ids and codes parameters to query for multiple xrefs at once. In that case, the number of ids and codes parameters should match. Moreover, they will be paired to form xrefs, so P45985 is searched for in the "L" database while "ENSG00000130164" is searched for in the En" database only. """ url = self._url + "/findPathwaysByXref?ids=" if isinstance(ids, (str, int, float)): url += "{}".format(ids) elif isinstance(ids, list): if len(ids) == 0: raise ValueError("ids must be a non-empty list") if len(ids) >= 1: url += "{}".format(ids[0]) if len(ids) > 1: for this in ids[1:]: url += "&ids={}".format(this) else: raise ValueError("ids must be a list, or a string or a number") if codes and isinstance(codes, (str, int)): codes = [codes] if codes: for code in codes: url += "&codes={}".format(code) res = + "&format=json") # results = pd.DataFrame(results) return res
[docs] def findInteractions(self, query): """Find interactions defined in WikiPathways pathways. :param str query: The name of an entity to find interactions for (e.g. 'P53') :returns: list of dictionaries :: res = w.findInteractions("P53") """ query = f"findInteractions?query={query}&format=json" res =["result"]
[docs] def listPathways(self, organism=None): """Get a list of all available pathways. :param str organism: If provided, the data is filtered to keep only the organism provided, which must be a valid name (check out :attr:`organism` attribute) :return: dataframe. Index are the pathways identifiers (e.g. WP1) .. plot:: from bioservices import WikiPathways w = WikiPathways() df = w.listPathways() df.groupby("species").count()['name'].sort_values().plot(kind="barh") """ if organism:, self.organisms) request ="listPathways?%s&format=json" % organism) else: request ="listPathways?format=json") pathways = request["pathways"] pathways = pd.DataFrame(pathways).set_index("id") return pathways
[docs] def getPathway(self, pathwayId, revision=0): """Download a pathway from WikiPathways. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :param int revision: the revision number of the pathway (use '0' for most recent version). :Returns: The pathway as a dictionary. The pathway is stored in gpml format. :: s.getPathway("WP2320") """ url = "getPathway?pwId=%s" % pathwayId url += "&revision=%s&format=json" % revision request = return request["pathway"]
[docs] def getPathwayInfo(self, pathwayId): """Get some general info about the pathway. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :return: The pathway info. :: >>> from bioservices import * >>> s = Wikipathway() >>> s.getPathwayInfo("WP2320") """ url = "getPathwayInfo?pwId=%s" % pathwayId request = data = data = data.findAll("ns1:pathwayinfo") pathway = {} for this in data: for tag in ["id", "url", "name", "species", "revision"]: text = this.find("ns2:%s" % tag).getText() pathway[tag] = text return pathway
[docs] def getPathwayHistory(self, pathwayId, date): """Get the revision history of a pathway. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :param str date: limit the results by date, only history items after the given date (timestamp format) will be included. Can be a string or number of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. :return: The revision history. .. warning:: seems unstable does not return the results systematically. :: s.getPathwayHistory("WP4", 20110101000000) """ query = "getPathwayHistory?pwId=%s&timestamp=%s" % ( pathwayId, str(date), ) query += "&format=json" return
[docs] def getRecentChanges(self, timestamp): """Get the recently changed pathways. :param str timestamp: Only get changes from after this time. Timestamp format: yyyymmddMMHHSS (string or number) :return: The changed pathways in XML format :: s.getRecentChanges(20110101000000) .. todo:: interpret XML """ res ="getRecentChanges?timestamp=%s&format=json" % timestamp) return res
[docs] def login(self, usrname, password): """Start a logged in session using an existing WikiPathways account. .. warning:: Interface not exposed in bioservices. This function will return an authentication code that can be used to excecute methods that need authentication (e.g. updatePathway). :param str name: The username of the WikiPathways account. :param str password: The password of the WikiPathways account. :Returns: The authentication code for this session. """ raise NotImplementedError
# for future usage. pass is a python keyword so we must use a dictionary # d = {"name":usrname, "pass":password} # return self.serv.login(**d)
[docs] def getPathwayAs(self, pathwayId, filetype="png", revision=0): """Download a pathway in the specified file format. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :param str filetype: the file format (default is .owl). :param int revision: the revision number of the pathway (use '0' for most recent version - this is default). :return: The file contents .. versionchanged:: 1.3.0 return raw output of the service without any parsing .. note:: use :meth:`savePathwayAs` to save into a file. """, ["gpml", "png", "svg", "pdf", "txt", "pwf", "owl"]) url = "getPathwayAs?fileType=%s" % filetype url += "&pwId=%s " % pathwayId url += "&revision=%s&format=json" % revision res = return res["data"]
[docs] def savePathwayAs(self, pathwayId, filename, revision=0, display=True): """Save a pathway. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :param str filename: the name of the file. If a filename extension is not provided the pathway will be saved as a pdf (default). :param int revisionNumb: the revision number of the pathway (use '0 for most recent version). :param bool display: if True the pathway will be displayed in your browser. .. note:: Method from bioservices. Not a WikiPathways function .. versionchanged:: 1.7 return PNG by default instead of PDF. PDF not working as of 20 Feb 2020 even on wikipathway website. """ if filename.find(".") == -1: filename = "%s.%s" % (filename, "pdf") filetype = filename.split(".")[-1] res = self.getPathwayAs(pathwayId, filetype=filetype, revision=revision) with open(filename, "wb") as f: import binascii try: # python3 newres = binascii.a2b_base64(bytes(res, "utf-8")) except: newres = binascii.a2b_base64(res) f.write(newres) if display: f.close()
[docs] def updatePathway(self, pathwayId, describeChanges, gpmlCode, revision=0): """Update a pathway on WikiPathways website with a given GPML code. .. warning:: Interface not exposed in bioservices. .. note:: To create/modify pathways via the web service, you need to have an account with web service write permissions. Please contact us to request write access for the web service. :param str pwId: The pathway identifier. :param str description: A description of the modifications. :param str gpml: The updated GPML code. :param int revision: The revision number of the version this GPML code was based on. This is used to prevent edit conflicts in case another client edited the pathway after this client downloaded it. :param object WSAuth_auth: The authentication info. :returns: Boolean. True if the pathway was updated successfully. """ raise NotImplementedError
# return self.serv.updatePathway(pwId = pathwayId, # description = describeChanges, gpml = gpmlCode, revision = revisionNumb, auth = authInfo)
[docs] def createPathway(self, gpmlCode, authInfo): """Create a new pathway on the WikiPathways website with a given GPML code. .. warning:: Interface not exposed in bioservices. .. note:: To create/modify pathways via the web service, you need to have an account with web service write permissions. Please contact us to request write access for the web service. :param str gpml: The GPML code. :param object WSAuth auth: The authentication info. :returns: WSPathwayInfo The pathway info for the created pathway (containing identifier, revision, etc.). """ raise NotImplementedError
# return self.serv.createPathway(gpml = gpmlCode, auth = authInfo)
[docs] def saveCurationTag(self, pathwayId, name, revision): """Apply a curation tag to a pathway. This operation will overwrite any existing tag with the same name. .. warning:: Interface not exposed in bioservices. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def removeCurationTag(self, pathwayId, name): """Remove a curation tag from a pathway. .. warning:: Interface not exposed in bioservices. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getCurationTags(self, pathwayId): """Get all curation tags for the given pathway. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :returns: Array of WSCurationTag. The curation tags. :: s.getCurationTags("WP4") """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getCurationTagsByName(self, name): """Get all curation tags for the given tag name. Use this method if you want to find all pathways that are tagged with a specific curation tag. :param str tagName: The tag name. :return: Array of WSCurationTag. The curation tags (one instance for each pathway that has been tagged). :: s.getCurationTagsByName("Curation:FeaturedPathway") """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getColoredPathway(self, pathwayId, filetype="svg", revision=0, color=None, graphId=None): """Get a colored image version of the pathway. :param str pwId: The pathway identifier. :param int revision: The revision number of the pathway (use '0' for most recent version). :param str fileType: The image type (One of 'svg', 'pdf' or 'png'). Not yet implemented. svg is returned for now. :returns: Binary form of the image. .. todo:: graphId, color parameters """ url = "getColoredPathway?pwId={}".format(pathwayId) if revision: url += "&revision={}".format(revision) url += "&format=json" request = try: data = request["data"] return base64.b64decode(data) except: return request
[docs] def findPathwaysByText(self, query, species=None): """Find pathways using a textual search on the description and text labels of the pathway objects. The query syntax offers several options: * Combine terms with AND and OR. Combining terms with a space is equal to using OR ('p53 OR apoptosis' gives the same result as 'p53 apoptosis'). * Group terms with parentheses, e.g. '(apoptosis OR mapk) AND p53' * You can use wildcards * and ?. * searches for one or more characters, ? searches for only one character. * Use quotes to escape special characters. E.g. '"apoptosis*"' will include the * in the search and not use it as wildcard. This function supports REST-style invocation. Example: :param str query: The search query (e.g. 'apoptosis' or 'p53'). :param str species: The species to limit the search to (leave blank to search on all species). :return: Array of WSSearchResult An array of search results. :: s.findPathwaysByText(query="p53 OR mapk",species='Homo sapiens') .. warning:: AND or OR must be in big caps """ url = "findPathwaysByText?query=%s" % query if species: url += "&species=%s" % species url += "&format=json" request = data = request["result"] try: data = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index("id") except: pass return data
[docs] def getOntologyTermsByPathway(self, pathwayId): """Get a list of ontology terms for a given pathway. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. :return: Array of WSOntologyTerm. The ontology terms. :: s.getOntologyTermsByPathway("WP4") """ url = "getOntologyTermsByPathway?pwId={}".format(pathwayId) url += "&format=json" request = results = request["terms"] return results
[docs] def getPathwaysByOntologyTerm(self, terms): """Get a list of pathways tagged with a given ontology term. :param str terms: the ontology term identifier. :returns: dataframe with pathways infomation. :: >>> from bioservices import WikiPathways >>> s = Wikipathway() >>> s.getPathwaysByOntologyTerm('PW:0000724') """ url = "getPathwaysByOntologyTerm?term={}".format(terms) url += "&format=json" request = return request["pathways"]
[docs] def getPathwaysByParentOntologyTerm(self, term): """Get a list of pathways tagged with any ontology term that is the child of the given Ontology term. :param str term: the ontology term identifier. :returns: List of WSPathwayInfo The pathway information. """ url = "getPathwaysByParentOntologyTerm?term={}".format(term) url += "&format=json" request = return request["pathways"]
[docs] def showPathwayInBrowser(self, pathwayId): """Show a given Pathway into your favorite browser. :param str pathwayId: the pathway identifier. .. note: This is an additional bioservices functionality (not a wikipathway one) showing a wikipathway URL. """ url = self.getPathwayInfo(pathwayId)["url"]