Source code for bioservices.uniprot

#  This file is part of bioservices software
#  Copyright (c) 2013-2016 - EBI-EMBL
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2021 - Institut Pasteur, Paris
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  website:
#  documentation:
"""Interface to some part of the UniProt web service

.. topic:: What is UniProt ?


    .. highlights::

        "The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) is a comprehensive resource for protein
        sequence and annotation data. The UniProt databases are the UniProt
        Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), the UniProt Reference Clusters (UniRef), and the
        UniProt Archive (UniParc). The UniProt Metagenomic and Environmental Sequences
        (UniMES) database is a repository specifically developed for metagenomic and
        environmental data."

        -- From Uniprot web site (help/about) , Dec 2012

.. mapping between uniprot and bunch of other DBs.

import io
import time
import urllib
import json
import tqdm

import pandas as pd

from import REST
from bioservices import logger = __name__

__all__ = ["UniProt"]

[docs]class UniProt: """Interface to the `UniProt <>`_ service :: >>> from bioservices import UniProt >>> u = UniProt(verbose=False) >>> u.mapping("UniProtKB_AC-ID", "KEGG", query='P43403') defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'P43403': ['hsa:7535']}) >>> res ="P43403") # Returns sequence on the ZAP70_HUMAN accession Id >>> sequence ="ZAP70_HUMAN", columns="sequence") .. versionchanged:: 1.10 Uniprot update its service in June 2022. Changes were made in the bioservices API with small changes. User API is more or less the same. Main issues that may be faced are related to change of output column names. Please see the :attr:`_legacy_names` for corresponding changes. Some notes about searches. The *and* and *or* are now upper cases. The *organism* and *taxonomy* fields are now *organism_id* and *taxonomy_id* """ # June 2022, API changes and these labels changed: _legacy_names = { "id": "accession", "entry name": "id", "genes": "gene_names", "genes(PREFERRED)": "gene_primary", "genes(ALTERNATIVE)": "gene_synonym", "genes(OLN)": "gene_oln", "genes(ORF)": "gene_orf", "organism": "organism_name", "organism-id": "organism_id", "protein names": "protein_name", "proteome": "xref_proteomes", "lineage(ALL)": "lineage", "virus hosts": "virus_hosts", "comment(ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS)": "cc_alternative_products", "feature(ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE)": "ft_var_seq", "comment(ERRONEOUS GENE MODEL PREDICTION)": "error_gmodel_pred", "fragment": "fragment", "encodedon": "organelle", "length": "length", "mass": "mass", "comment(MASS SPECTROMETRY)": "cc_mass_spectrometry", "feature(NATURAL VARIANT)": "ft_variant", "feature(NON ADJACENT RESIDUES)": "ft_non_cons", "feature(NON STANDARD RESIDUE)": "ft_non_std", "feature(NON TERMINAL RESIDUE)": "ft_non_ter", "comment(POLYMORPHISM)": "cc_polymorphism", "comment(RNA EDITING)": "cc_rna_editing", "sequence": "sequence", "comment(SEQUENCE CAUTION)": "cc_sequence_caution", "feature(SEQUENCE CONFLICT)": "ft_conflict", "feature(SEQUENCE UNCERTAINTY)": "ft_unsure", "version(sequence)": "sequence_version", # function "comment(ABSORPTION)": "absorption", "feature(ACTIVE SITE)": "ft_act_site", "comment(ACTIVITY REGULATION)": "cc_activity_regulation", "feature(BINDING SITE)": "ft_binding", "chebi": "ft_ca_bind", "chebi(Catalytic activity)": "cc_catalytic_activity", "chebi(Cofactor)": "cc_cofactor", "feature(DNA BINDING)": "ft_dna_bind", "ec": "ec", "comment(FUNCTION)": "cc_function", "comment(KINETICS)": "kinetics", "feature(METAL BINDING)": "ft_metal", "feature(NP BIND)": "ft_np_bind", "comment(PATHWAY)": "cc_pathway", "comment(PH DEPENDENCE)": "ph_dependence", "comment(REDOX POTENTIAL)": "redox_potential", "rhea-id": "rhea_id", "feature(SITE)": "ft_site", "comment(TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE)": "temp_dependence", # misc "annotation score": "annotation_score", "comment(CAUTION)": "cc_caution", "features": "feature", "keyword-id": "keywordid", "keywords": "keyword", "comment(MISCELLANEOUS)": "cc_miscellaneous", "existence": "protein_existence", "reviewed": "reviewed", "tools": "tools", "uniparcid": "uniparc_id", # Interaction ============================= "interactor": "cc_interaction", "comment(SUBUNIT)": "cc_subunit", # GO "go": "go", "go(biological process)": "go_p", "go(cellular component)": "go_c", "go(molecular function)": "go_f", "go-id": "go_id", # Date of "created": "date_created", "last-modified": "date_modified", "sequence-modified": "date_sequence_modified", "version(entry)": "version", # STRUCTURE "3d": "structure_3d", "feature(BETA STRAND)": "ft_strand", "feature(HELIX)": "ft_helix", "feature(TURN)": "ft_turn", # subcellular function "comment(SUBCELLULAR LOCATION)": "cc_subcellular_location", "feature(INTRAMEMBRANE)": "ft_intramem", "feature(TOPOLOGICAL DOMAIN)": "ft_topo_dom", "feature(TRANSMEMBRANE)": "ft_transmem", # Pathology "comment(ALLERGEN)": "cc_allergen", "comment(BIOTECHNOLOGY)": "cc_biotechnology", "comment(DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE)": "cc_disruption_phenotype", "comment(DISEASE)": "cc_disease", "feature(MUTAGENESIS)": "ft_mutagen", "comment(PHARMACEUTICAL)": "cc_pharmaceutical", "comment(TOXIC DOSE)": "cc_toxic_dose", # PTM "feature(CHAIN)": "ft_chain", "feature(CROSS LINK)": "ft_crosslnk", "feature(DISULFIDE BOND)": "ft_disulfid", "feature(GLYCOSYLATION)": "ft_carbohyd", "feature(INITIATOR METHIONINE)": "ft_init_met", "feature(LIPIDATION)": "ft_lipid", "feature(MODIFIED RESIDUE)": "ft_mod_res", "feature(PEPTIDE)": "ft_peptide", "comment(PTM)": "cc_ptm", "feature(PROPEPTIDE)": "ft_propep", "feature(SIGNAL)": "ft_signal", "feature(TRANSIT)": "ft_transit", # Family domains "feature(COILED COIL)": "ft_coiled", "feature(COMPOSITIONAL BIAS)": "ft_compbias", "comment(DOMAIN)": "cc_domain", "feature(DOMAIN EXTENT)": "ft_domain", "feature(MOTIF)": "ft_motif", "families": "protein_families", "feature(REGION)": "ft_region", "feature(REPEAT)": "ft_repeat", "comment(SIMILARITY)": "<does not exist>", "feature(ZINC FINGER)": "ft_zn_fing", } _valid_columns = [ # Names & Taxonomy ================================================ "accession", "id", "gene_names", "gene_primary", "gene_synonym", "gene_oln", "gene_orf", "organism_name", "organism_id", "protein_name", "xref_proteomes", "lineage", "virus_hosts", # Sequences ======================================================== "fragment", "sequence", "length", "mass", "organelle", "cc_alternative_products", "error_gmodel_pred", "cc_mass_spectrometry", "cc_polymorphism", "cc_rna_editing", "cc_sequence_caution", "ft_var_seq", "ft_variant", "ft_non_cons", "ft_non_std", "ft_non_ter", "ft_conflict", "ft_unsure", "sequence_version", # Family and Domains ======================================== "ft_coiled", "ft_compbias", "cc_domain", "ft_domain", "ft_motif", "protein_families", "ft_region", "ft_repeat", "ft_zn_fing", # Function =================================================== "absorption", "ft_act_site", "cc_activity_regulation", "ft_binding", # 'ft_ca_bind', "cc_catalytic_activity", "cc_cofactor", "ft_dna_bind", "ec", "cc_function", "kinetics", # 'ft_metal', # 'ft_np_bind', "cc_pathway", "ph_dependence", "redox_potential", # 'rhea_id', "ft_site", "temp_dependence", # Gene Ontology ================================== "go", "go_p", "go_f", "go_c", "go_id", # Interaction ====================================== "cc_interaction", "cc_subunit", # EXPRESSION ======================================= "cc_developmental_stage", "cc_induction", "cc_tissue_specificity", # Publications "lit_pubmed_id", # Date of "date_created", "date_modified", "date_sequence_modified", "version", # Structure "structure_3d", "ft_strand", "ft_helix", "ft_turn", # Subcellular location "cc_subcellular_location", "ft_intramem", "ft_topo_dom", "ft_transmem", # Miscellaneous ========================== "annotation_score", "cc_caution", "comment_count", # "feature", "feature_count", "keyword", "keywordid", "cc_miscellaneous", "protein_existence", "tools", "reviewed", "uniparc_id", # Pathology "cc_allergen", "cc_biotechnology", "cc_disruption_phenotype", "cc_disease", "ft_mutagen", "cc_pharmaceutical", "cc_toxic_dose", # PTM / Processsing "ft_chain", "ft_crosslnk", "ft_disulfid", "ft_carbohyd", "ft_init_met", "ft_lipid", "ft_mod_res", "ft_peptide", "cc_ptm", "ft_propep", "ft_signal", "ft_transit", # not documented "xref_pdb", ] _url = "" def __init__(self, verbose=False, cache=False): """**Constructor** :param verbose: set to False to prevent informative messages :param cache: set to True to cache request """ = REST(name="UniProt", url=UniProt._url, verbose=verbose, cache=cache, url_defined_later=True) self.TIMEOUT = 100 self._valid_mapping = None self._database = "uniprot" def _download_flat_files(self, output="uniprot_sprot.dat.gz"): # pragma: no cover """could be used to get all data in flat files (about compressed 500Mb )""" # deprecated in v1.10 due to API change in uniprot url = """Downloading uniprot file from the web. May take some time.:") urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, output) def _get_valid_mapping(self): if not self._valid_mapping: self._set_valid_mapping() return self._valid_mapping def _set_valid_mapping(self): fields ="configure/idmapping/fields") groups = fields["groups"] rules = {} for item in fields["rules"]: ID = item["ruleId"] rules[ID] = item # This is suppose to be a set of database name available in Uniprot from_to = {} for item in [x for group in groups for x in group["items"]]: # should be name, not DisplayName name = item["name"] if item["from"]: tos = rules[item["ruleId"]]["tos"] from_to[name] = tos self._valid_mapping = from_to valid_mapping = property(_get_valid_mapping, _set_valid_mapping) def _get_next_link(self, headers): import re re_next_link = re.compile(r'<(.+)>; rel="next"') if "Link" in headers: match = re_next_link.match(headers["Link"]) if match: return
[docs] def mapping( self, fr="UniProtKB_AC-ID", to="KEGG", query="P13368", polling_interval_seconds=3, max_waiting_time=100, progress=True, ): """This is an interface to the UniProt mapping service :param fr: the source database identifier. See :attr:`valid_mapping`. :param to: the targetted database identifier. See :attr:`valid_mapping`. :param query: a string containing one or more IDs separated by a comma It can also be a list of strings. :param polling_interval_seconds: the number of seconds between each status check of the current job :param max_waiting_time: the maximum number of seconds to wait for the final answer. :return: a dictionary with two possible keys. The first one is 'results' with the from / to answers and the second one 'failedIds' with Ids that were not found :: >>> u.mapping("UniProtKB_AC-ID", "KEGG", 'P43403') {'results': [{'from': 'P43403', 'to': 'hsa:7535'}]} The output is a dictionary. Identifiers that were not found are stored in the keys 'failedIds'. Succesful queries are stored in the 'results' key that is a list of dictionaries with two keys set to 'from' and 'to'. The 'from' key should be in your input list. The 'to' key is the result. Here we have the KEGG identifier recognised by its prefix 'hsa:', which is for human. Sometimes the output ('to') it is more complicated. Consider the following example:: u.mapping("UniParc", "UniProtKB", 'UPI0000000001,UPI0000000002') You will see that the UniParc results is more complex than just an identifier. See :attr:`valid_mapping` attribute for list of valid mapping identifiers. Note that according to Uniprot (June 2022), there are various limits on ID Mapping Job Submission: ========= ===================================================================================== Limit Details ========= ===================================================================================== 100,000 Total number of ids allowed in comma separated param ids in /idmapping/run api 500,000 Total number of "mapped to" ids allowed 100,000 Total number of "mapped to" ids allowed to be enriched by UniProt data 10,000 Total number of "mapped to" ids allowed with filtering ========= ===================================================================================== .. versionchanged:: 1.1.1 to return a dictionary instaed of a list .. versionchanged:: 1.1.2 the values for each key is now made of a list instead of strings so as to store more than one values. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 input query can also be a list of strings instead of just a string .. versionchanged:: 1.3.1 use http_post instead of http_get. This is 3 times faster and allows queries with more than 600 entries in one go. .. versionchanged:: 1.10.0 new API due to uniprot website update .. versionchanged:: 1.11.0 implement batch to prevent limit of 25 results. """ if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): query = ",".join(query) elif isinstance(query, str): pass # First, we call the real mapping request params = {"from": fr, "to": to, "ids": query} job ="idmapping/run", frmt="json", data=params) try: job_id = job["jobId"] except TypeError: logger.error( return # the job id will tell us about the job status results = None waiting_time = 0 while not results and waiting_time < max_waiting_time:"Waiting for {job_id} to complete") results ="idmapping/status/{job_id}", frmt="json") # once ready, we can process the data if results != 500 and "results" in results: total = int(["X-Total-Results"]) batches = results["results"] fails = results.get("failedIds", []) size = 25 for x in tqdm.tqdm(range(size, total, size), disable=not progress): link = self._get_next_link( batch =, frmt="json") batches += batch["results"] fails += results.get("failedIds", []) return {"results": batches, "failedIds": fails} else: # pragma: no cover time.sleep(polling_interval_seconds) results = None waiting_time += polling_interval_seconds
[docs] def retrieve(self, uniprot_id, frmt="json", database="uniprot", include=False): """Search for a uniprot ID in UniProtKB database :param str uniprot: a valid UniProtKB ID, or uniref, uniparc or taxonomy. :param str frmt: expected output format amongst xml, txt, fasta, gff, rdf :param str database: database name in (uniprot, uniparc, uniref, taxonomy) :param bool include: include data with RDF format. :return: if the parameter uniprot_id is string, the output will be a a list of identifiers is provided, the output is also a list otherwise, a string. The content of the string of items in the list depends on the value of **frmt**. :: >>> u = UniProt() >>> res = u.retrieve("P09958", frmt="txt") >>> fasta = u.retrieve(['P29317', 'Q5BKX8', 'Q8TCD6'], frmt='fasta') >>> print(fasta[0]) .. versionchanged:: 1.10 the xml format is now returned as raw XML. It is not interpreted anymore. The RDF has now an additional option to include data from referenced data sets directly in the returned data (set include=True parameter). Default output format is now set to json. """ if database == "uniprot": if frmt not in ("txt", "xml", "rdf", "gff", "fasta", "json"): # pragma: no cover"frmt must be set to one of: txt, xml, rdf, gff, fasta, json.") elif database == "uniparc": if frmt not in ("xml", "rdf", "fasta", "tsv", "json"): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("frmt must be set to one of: tsv, xml, rdf, gff, fasta, json")"frmt must be set to one of: txt, xml, rdf, gff, fasta.") elif database == "uniref": if frmt not in ("xml", "rdf", "fasta", "tsv", "json"): # pragma: no cover"frmt must be set to one of: xml, rdf, gff, fasta, json.") elif database == "taxonomy": pass else: # pragma: no cover"database must be set to uniref, uniparc, uniprot or taxonomy") if isinstance(uniprot_id, str): queries = uniprot_id.split(",") else: queries = uniprot_id # some magic here not documented on uniprot website...but multiple queries are possible url = [database + "/" + query + "." + frmt for query in queries] # the frmt=txt here is for the requests, nothing related to the uniprot format res =, frmt="txt", params={"include": include}) if frmt == "json": for i, x in enumerate(res): try: res[i] = json.loads(x) except: pass if isinstance(res, list) and len(res) == 1: res = res[0] return res
[docs] def get_fasta(self, uniprot_id): """Returns FASTA string given a valid identifier :param str uniprot_id: a valid identifier (e.g. P12345) This is just an alias to :meth:`retrieve` when setting the format to 'fasta'. Method kept for legacy. """ res = self.retrieve(uniprot_id, frmt="fasta") return res
[docs] def search( self, query, frmt="tsv", columns=None, include_isoforms=False, sort="score", compress=False, limit=None, size=25, database="uniprotkb", progress=True, ): """Provide some interface to the uniprot search interface. :param str query: query must be a valid uniprot query. See and examples below :param str frmt: a valid format amongst xlsx, fasta, gff, tsv and json. OTher format are not available within bioservices (rss, obo, rdf, xml) (default is tsv) :param str columns: comma-separated list of values. Works only if fomat is tsv or xlsx. For UnitProtKB, some possible columns are: id, entry name, length, organism. See also :attr:`~bioservices.uniprot.UniProt.valid_mapping` for the full list of column keywords. :param bool include_isoform: include isoform sequences when the frmt parameter is fasta. Include description when frmt is rdf. :param str sort: by score by default. Set to None to bypass this behaviour :param bool compress: gzip the results :param int limit: Stops the download of results once this limit is crossed. if size is 25 and limit is set to 30, 25+25 results will be returned though. users need to do a post filtering. :param int size: chunk of results (25 by default on uniprot website). :return: depends on the value of **frmt**. Uniprot API returns all results in several pages with **size** elements per page. If frmt is set to xlsx, output is a list of excel-like page with **size** per item. If frmt is set to tsv, bioservices concatenate all pages in a single string. Similarly for **gff**, **fasta** or **json**, bioservices concatenates all pages in a single variable (txt or dictionary depending on the requested format). To obtain the list of uniprot ID returned by the search of zap70 can be retrieved as follows:: >>>'zap70+AND+organism_id:9606') >>>"zap70+AND+taxonomy_id:9606", frmt="tsv", limit=3, ... columns="entry_name,length,id, gene_names") Entry name Length Entry Gene names CBLB_HUMAN 982 Q13191 CBLB RNF56 Nbla00127 CBL_HUMAN 906 P22681 CBL CBL2 RNF55 CD3Z_HUMAN 164 P20963 CD247 CD3Z T3Z TCRZ other examples:: >>>"ZAP70+AND+organism_id:9606", limit=3, columns="id,xref_pdb") You can also do a search on several keywords. This is especially useful if you have a list of known entry names.:: >>>"ZAP70_HUMAN+OR+CBL_HUMAN", frmt="tsv", limit=3, ... columns="entry name,length,id, genes") Entry name Length Entry Gene names Finally, note that when you search for a query, you may have several hits:: >>>"P12345) including the ID P12345 but also related entries. If you need only the entry that perfectly match the query, use:: >>>"accession:P12345") This was provided from a user issue that was solved here: .. warning:: some columns although valid may not return anything, not even in the header: 'score', 'taxonomy', 'tools'. this is a uniprot feature, not bioservices. .. versionchanged:: 1.10 Due to uniprot API changes in June 2022: * parameter 'include' is now named 'include_isoform * default parameter 'tab' is now 'tsv' but does not change the results .. versionchanged:: 1.11 * removed the offset argument * add size parameter and keep limit parameter * add progress bar option (True by default) * drop frmt in : rdf, obo, xml, html """ params = {} if frmt is not None: _valid_formats = [ "xlsx", "fasta", "json", "gff", "tsv", ], _valid_formats) params["format"] = frmt if columns is not None:, ["tsv", "xls"]) # remove unneeded spaces before/after commas if any if "," in columns: columns = [x.strip() for x in columns.split(",")] else: columns = [columns] # convert back to a string as expected by uniprot params["fields"] = ",".join([x.strip() for x in columns]) if include_isoforms is True and frmt in ["fasta", "rdf"]: params["includeIsoform"] = "yes" if compress is True: params["compress"] = "yes" if sort:, ["score"]) params["sort"] = sort if size is not None: if isinstance(size, int): params["size"] = size # if a limit is provided, we will stop before getting all pages # consequently, we want the size to be a multiple of limit. if limit is not None: if isinstance(size, int): params["size"] = limit # + are interpreted and have a meaning. See arrayexpress module for details query = query.replace("+", " ") params["query"] = query del params["sort"] res ="{database}/search", frmt="txt", params=params) # concatenate by removing intermediate header if frmt in ["tsv"]: batches = res # concatenate elif frmt in ["fasta", "gff"]: batches = res elif frmt in ["json"]: batches = json.loads(res) else: batches = [res] try: total = int(["X-Total-Results"]) except KeyError:"No results found") return if limit is not None: total = limit # start after first chunk since we already called the general search once for x in tqdm.tqdm(range(size, total, size), disable=not progress): link = self._get_next_link( batch =, frmt="txt") # drop the header for tsv if frmt in ["tsv"]: batch = batch.split("\n")[1:] batches += "\n".join(batch) elif frmt in ["fasta", "gff"]: batches += batch elif frmt in ["json"]: batches["results"].extend(json.loads(batch)["results"]) else: batches += [batch] if frmt in ["tsv"]: # remove last empty line batches = batches.strip() return batches
[docs] def uniref(self, query): """Calls UniRef service This is an alias to :meth:`retrieve` :: >>> u = UniProt() >>> u.uniref("Q03063") Another example from is the combination of uniprot and uniref filters:: u.uniref("uniprot:(ec: taxonomy_name:bacteria reviewed:true)") .. versionchanged:: 1.10 due to uniprot API changes in June 2022, we now return a json instead of a pandas dataframe. """ res ="uniref/UniRef90_{query}.json", frmt="json") return res
[docs] def get_df(self, entries, nChunk=100, organism=None, limit=10, columns=None, progress=False): """Given a list of uniprot entries, this method returns a dataframe with all possible columns :param entries: list of valid entry name. if list is too large (about >200), you need to split the list :param chunk: :param limit: limit number of entries per identifier to 10. You can set it to None to keep all entries but this will be very slow :return: dataframe with indices being the uniprot id (e.g. DIG1_YEAST) To get about 100 columns related to the accession P62988, type: df = u.get_df('P62988') Note that you may preceed the accesion by the keyword **sec_acc) to access secondary accessions numbers:: df = u.get_df('sec_acc:P62988') """ if isinstance(entries, str): entries = [entries] else: entries = list(set(entries)) output = pd.DataFrame()"fetching information from uniprot for {} entries".format(len(entries))) nChunk = min(nChunk, len(entries)) N, rest = divmod(len(entries), nChunk) for i in range(0, N + 1): this_entries = entries[i * nChunk : (i + 1) * nChunk] if len(this_entries):"uniprot.get_df {}/{}".format(i + 1, N)) query = "+OR+".join(this_entries) if organism: query += f"+AND+{organism}" res = query, frmt="tsv", columns=",".join(self._valid_columns), limit=limit, progress=progress ) else: break if len(res) == 0:"some entries %s not found" % entries) else: df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(str(res)), sep="\t") if isinstance(output, type(None)): output = df.copy() else: # output = output.append(df, ignore_index=True) output = pd.concat([output, df], ignore_index=True) # you may end up with duplicated... output.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # Sequences are splitted into chunks of 10 characters. let us remove # the spaces: if "sequence" in output.columns: output["sequence"].fillna("", inplace=True) output.Sequence = output["sequence"].apply(lambda x: x.replace(" ", "")) if columns: output = output[columns.split(",")] return output